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For your first game using unity I think it's pretty good definitely looking forward to play more of your games

that was great, well done!

For a first game, it's very well made. I really enjoyed it, 10/10 lil horror!

Hello, I played this game, and I liked it. Not bad for a first game :)

Made a video

Hey I played all your games. AND....

I'd appreciate it if you dont tr@sh talk about other developers games buddy. Especially when it's written that the game is still in development and is posted to get some feedback NOT HATEFUL speech. Anyway, you will grow up one day. Good luck.

hello, DeanTheDev.

Thanks for playing my games.

I'm assuming you watched my youtube video. Sorry if it sounded like I was hating on other games. I wasn't trying to trash talk the games or the devs, I just find that psx horror games can be better (mine included). It wasn't about the devs as people. 

Sorry, literally just realised youre the creator of that game with the motel! Sorry, I didn't read the page and so I didn't know it was early access. I'll take down the one star review

It's all good buddy, no bad feelings. We all support each other bother.

Congratulations to the creator(s) of this game, which runs very smoothly and has pretty good graphics. I would like the creators of this game to subscribe to my channel please. Greetings from Spain!!

I loved the environments here ! The story was great as well. Although the enemies were no threat at all. Consider adding subtitles too, can sometimes be hard to hear the radio. Other than that, great little game ! 

I made a video on your game if you're interested :)

Muchas gracias por compartir el juego, me ha gustado mucho, podrías aumentar un poco la velocidad de los monstruos ya que así sería algo más desafiante, de todas formas has hecho un gran trabajo, aquí dejo el vídeo que he hecho en español, saludos!!!

Thats pretty awesome, would you be up to join a team ?

Join a team? What kinda team are we talking about? A gamedev team? Because if so I may have limited availability

it is game dev 

Ok. Um, could we chat about it via email please? Here's my email,

7/10 game!!!

I actually had a lot of fun with this. It ran well, had some nice tension, and is exactly what I expect from a small indie horror game. Good job, I hope you keep on developing! Keep up the good work!

Nice this was really good game and simple I remember playing this kind game where need to also shut down beacon and there are different enemies anyway well done keep it up!